About me
Hey there, I’m Kyle, or if you’d like something to remember me by, call me Kylydian. I’m an audio lead, composer, sound designer, saxophonist, and teacher based out of Renton WA, just a stone throw away from Seattle.
After graduating from Central Washington University with degrees in music education and saxophone performance, I went after my childhood dream of entering the game industry by combining my loves of gaming and music… and what a journey it was. You see, music and I have had an interesting past to say the least, as I didn’t actually even like music until late in my life. Reach out and ask me about it. You’ll be surprised.
I've been very lucky throughout my career to work with a variety of clients, including but not limited to Microsoft, Mojang, and Everbloom Games on Minecraft in partnership with properties such as Dungeons and Dragons, Disney World, Universal Studios, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Kung Fu Panda.
Working with these properties has allowed me to be an expert at picking up genres fast, and to deliver music at blistering speed. While my background and love is in ambient orchestral music, I can deliver Dark Souls boss music, metal, or electronic music just as easily.
I help build careers in music and audio in addition to my own. As community organizer for Beats to Play Games to, I help foster environments where audio professionals can learn and fail safely, while as a mentor, I've provided 1 on 1 feedback on business, communication, music, audio and career growth.
I speak at conferences such as GDC, GameSoundCon, and PAX on a variety of topics, ranging from business, community building, starting a career and even wild and crazy game shows.
My history
of learning how to appreciate music has given me a unique perspective allows me to grow myself as well as others through teaching, writing music, and creating unique sounds.
I offer
a wide range of services to make your games, media, and concert halls sound really really stupid good, whether you are just starting out in your career, or are already thriving, I can help you out.
If you are:
Someone who needs music or sound design, who doesn’t know who to turn to, or who needs help finding someone in your budget.
Tired of audio people who don’t communicate.
A composer or sound designer who needs advice or guidance.
Looking for someone to speak at your event or college.
Then get in touch. Let’s make something. Let’s build a relationship on our way to success.
Outside of my work as a composer and sound designer, I also am community organizer for Beats to Play games to, a game music community dedicated to empowering composers and sound designers of all skill levels and backgrounds to find sustainable, successful careers. We feature a wide variety of talks, events, and mentorship opportunities for those looking to get started.
Grow with us at